Ready, Set, Vent! – 07/08/15
Ep39 - "It's Not Your Fault" - Andy critiques the entire Jurassic Park franchise, goes Trippin' to New Jersey, embraces crying, and so much more.
Ep39 - "It's Not Your Fault" - Andy critiques the entire Jurassic Park franchise, goes Trippin' to New Jersey, embraces crying, and so much more.
Ep38 - "Summer Of My Discontent" - Andy doesn't necessarily hit bottom, but he IS softly tapping at it. Grab some iced coffee and enjoy Andy's personal menopause.
Ep37 "In A Row" - In this 37th episode spectacular, Andy hoists the Cup, gives tips for massaging your meat, points out border discrepancies, and much more.
"Hubris Unplugged" - Andy records a 'special' episode as he fights off an annoying throat cold.
"Sounds Like My Crankshaft" - Advertising, French Fries, Classic Cars, Why The Tampa Bay Lightning are &$^%ing TOOLS, and much more.
"Bring Back My Pig" - Andy suggests a few documentaries, bemoans working the road, and praises an American Hero.
"Coke Merchants" - Andy recovers from the loss of his beloved 'Mad Men', declares war on New Hampshire, and so much more.
"Construction Interruptus" - Andy visits a fanciest bathroom, mocks other podcasts while his own is falling apart, and more!
"Aging Voltron" - Andy crosses the Honkey Donk line, goes Trippin' (Sorta) in Oregon, shares a surreal 5 Things, and so much more.
Andy rambles about an old movie, takes a regretful return to Georgia, and so much more!