
The Old Young Ones Posts

The Old Young Ones – Oil

It’s moving day! Jon, and Howie welcome super-fan Michele Sileo to discuss the second episode, which is all about the boys moving into their permanent location, until it isn’t. The trio discuss the two separate episodes shoved together, the Muppet Show energy and why the two guys in the basement […]

The Old Young Ones – Demolition

The “Young Ones” introduces the show by destroying its only location! Jon and Howie discuss how the staginess of this episode is influenced by the live alt scene of London in the late 70s, how each performer is given their moment in the spotlight and how Nine Below Zero may […]

The Old Young Ones – Introduction

Who are The Young Ones, and why are Jon Clarke and Howie Weingarten talking about them 40 years later? Jon and Howie discuss the origins of the world’s first punk sitcom, which took a stage show approach in attacking the state of television and a scattershot structure to bring in […]

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