Flippin’ Out Radio Episodes

Flippin Out Radio – But Wait, There’s More

James and Evan welcome in the lovely Jada as well as newcomer Brett. Topics include James new job back in NYC radio again, as well as the fact he’s now shaving — exposing his classic buttchin. Plus, Evan is being aggressive as always including a baffling rat catching method — […]

Flippin Out Radio – Rolling Up Toothpaste at Urinals

James and Evan host a relaxing weekend conversation on the couch, Larry David was right about FTX, Gregg Popovich virtue signaled so hard he ignored his 1st round draft pick flasher, Kanye is in trouble bc he wasn’t talking about white Christians, Jerry Springer admitted his wrongs, don’t cry about […]

Flippin Out Radio – A Wedding and a Blind Snake

James recaps his recent nuptials, which Evan and Princess Jada had to miss due to COVID, even though the wedding became a super spreader anyway, but we recount the (otherwise) lovely affair, including a timeline of events and the emotions involved. Plus sometimes James forgets he’s not straight when it […]

Flippin Out Radio – Lemon Party

James is in studio — the Bloomfield basement — with Mike Montone and Evan Petracca, with the lovely Princess Jada also in attendance. We’re getting closer to James’ late June wedding date, and there may be some elements from a traditional Apache ceremony, plus what was Will Smith thinking? And […]

Flippin Out Radio – A Hoe in This House

James Flippin and Evan Petracca back at it from Flippin Out Radio studios where Evan’s girlfriend Jada is in for the first time, both of them had COVID, the world’s largely moving on, broken parking meters mean you download the app now, kids in New Jersey want the vaccine for […]

Flippin Out Radio – What’s Up…? Go F#%$ Yourself, That’s What!

James Flippin is getting neck deep in wedding prep and discussing the now-passed Thanksgiving holiday as well as Black Friday… there’s a neighborhood asshole who loudly revs his car everyday… who asked for the gay guy on the cover of Playboy?  Nominating Flippin for People Magazine’s Communicator of The Year:  […]

Flippin Out Radio – After Ida’s Floods

James Flippin and Evan Petracca both had their basements flooded during Ida — meaning James lost his studio and Evan had damage to his bedroom… we pick up the pieces and move on, including working with Servpro, struggling with when to be an LGBT ally, is not-fidgeting in class white […]

Flippin Out Radio – Koehckennenbahlltz: Built For Speed

James announces he and Chris have picked a wedding venue, Evan’s tough week includes a motorcycle crash, bolt and washer in a tire (who is throwing all these nails around?), and a missed Monster Truck Show. Also: Cock and balls… how is it spelled? [EP407]

Flippin Out Radio – I Can’t Find My Wallet

James Flippin and Johnny Appleseed discuss the top sportscaster gaffes throughout history, including all-time greats like Steve Lyons, Dan Marino, Jimmy “The Greek”, Hank Bauer, Thom Brennaman, Rush Limbaugh, Joe Namath, Jim Rome, and Don Imus.

Plus: bonus National Donut Day discussion. Heavens.

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