This week the guys are joined by four farmers fighting for the future of Sonoma County agriculture. A ballot measure has qualified in Sonoma County, sold as ban on “factory farms”, but in reality will have ripple effects that threaten all ag in the county, including grapes and wine. Join us for an inspiring conversation with Doug Beretta from the Sonoma County Farm Bureau, Bronte Edwards from Rainbow Family Ranch, Loren Poncia from Stemple Creek Ranch and longtime friend of the pod Jennifer Reichardt from Liberty Ducks. Why are we talking about cows, sheep, ducks and chickens on a wine show? Because Sonoma County’s farms and farmers don’t exist in their own silos, they are part of an interconnected and symbiotic ecosystem and foodshed. And by golly there’s a shit shortage! Tune in, register to vote and if you’re in Sonoma County vote NO on J! [Ep335]

Doug Beretta

Bronte Edwards

Loren Poncia

Jennifer Reichardt

No on Measure J Resources-