Kathleen Hill is one of Sonoma’s icons and a local celebrity. She is the Food & Wine editor and columist for the Sonoma Index Tribune and author of over 40 books. She is also a Culinary Historian and the collector of about 4,000 kitchen utensils, machines, devices, cookbooks and food pamplets. She spent weekdays for seven years with the great writer M.F.K. Fisher and even prepared lunch one day for her and Julia Child, a somewhat terrifying experience for her. Parts of the Kathleen Hill Culinary Collection have been exhibited at museums throughout California and at several Wiliams-Sonoma stores. She is a member of Les Dames d’Escoffier, a member of both the New York and Southern California Culinary Historians, and is a Compagnon of the Guilde Internationale des Fromagers.

Kathleen Thomas Hill – kathleensonoma @ gmail.com

Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/KathleenHillFood