
The Prussman Hour – 04/20/19

Stacey Begins to show talking about Easter and Passover.  Angela calls in  show where they talk about Angelas half marathon, Stacey’s trip to Arkansas  and the crazy bar she went to in Brooklyn.  The girls answered questions that are currently trending on twitter such as #thingsihaventoutgrown and #mypasthastaughtme.  The  ladies […]

The Prussman Hour – 1/31/19

Stacey talks about the Polar Vortex .  Stacey’s chronic lateness with the podcast has sparked a debate on whether or not she displays the 7 habits of a selfish and disrespectful person. Angela is OD’ing on vitamins, diagnosed with acid reflux from Stacey, getting wellness calls and is contemplating running […]

The Prussman Hour – 10/20/18

Stacey and Angela are back at it again, and by at it we mean with technical difficulties galore, lots or arguing, insults and hot topics such as Celebrity breakups, Angela turning 40, Courtney Love murder for hire allegations, Are Disney Princesses bad for women?, Footsie Raping on an airplane, and […]

The Prussman Hour – 06/13/18

Things get creepy  fun when Stacey and Angela are joined in a super secretive hotel by Anthony Zenhauser  and Carmen Difabio of The Creepy Corner. They hav drinks and talk about stuff you probably should not hear.  The gang tries to convince Carmen to pee on his wife just for […]

The Prussman Hour – 05/30/18

Stacey starts off alone on the Mic.  Angela calls in and they discuss her drunken night at a wedding this weekend and Stacey drunk dialed Angela from the wedding. The ladies discuss the Nev from Catfish and Morgan Freeman allegations. Stacey is still crushing on Pauly D from Jersey Shore, […]

The Prussman Hour – 5/23/18

This weeks episode of The Prussman Hour was recorded at McCoy’s Pub, where Stacey and Angela were joined by three special guests, Steve Grillo from Howard Stern, Mario Bosco from the Artie Quitter Podcast and the most frequent Prussman Hour guest to date, Kevin Gootee of Comics Watching Comics fame. […]

The Prussman Hour – 05/16/18

Stacey and Angela were joined on location (their hotel room) by Compound Media’s Mornin Hosts Bill Schulz and Joanne Nosuchinsky. The sweet South Jersey wine was flowing and they discussed how Joanne and Bill met on The Redeye on Fox, how Bill never hits on women and barely realizes when […]

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