Dishing Missfits – 12/01/15

The girls have a special announcement about their upcoming 100th episode in January! Samantha continues her war with Portillos. Betty proves that no good deed goes unpunished. Is kissing more intimate than sex? We ask two dozen porn stars their opinion, new music from The Noise FM and more!

The Mr. Nailsin Show 10/17/15

Ep5 - Doug talks about Joe Conte, The News, Howard Stern Vs Roger Waters, Israel Vs Palestine, TV shows, Night Knight and upcoming projects

Dishing Missfits – 10/06/15

Ep85 'Funky Spunk' - Ed cooks for the ladies. 5 Chicago foods you shouldn’t eat while on a date. Men and Women's sexual regrets. Do you have Toxoplasmosis? New music from Edewaard and a lot more!

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