Dishing Missfits – 05/24/16
It's Stephanie's birthday! Pornhub’s sexercise program, X-Rated ‘American Idol’, the girls are making travel plans, music from Lauren Strange and more!
It's Stephanie's birthday! Pornhub’s sexercise program, X-Rated ‘American Idol’, the girls are making travel plans, music from Lauren Strange and more!
Gwyneth Paltrow's $15K gold sex toy, why do old statues have such small penises? Mom abandons kids for Zumba class, Special LIVE SHOW announcement, Music from Four Authors and more!
Sam and the wheelchair emoji, Our tribute to Prince, Which porn site has banned users from North Carolina? British slang, Why Ed needs an intelligent woman, New music from Blank Parody and a lot more!
The girls want Ed to do something radical, Steph's fitting room horror story. Has anyone died in your house? Carpool Karaoke with J-Lo, music from Avenue Army and a lot more!
Ep110 "The Swiffered Vag" - The 7 types of boobs, tragic dating poop story, Lollapalooza sucks now, history of the vibrator, music from Four Authors and more!
Kanye in a Twitter war, the DeLorean is back, the new Barbie, Betty has a problem with cauliflower, another song from Avenue Army and much more!
Our 100th Episode! Oscar nominations and snubs, a call from an old friend, music from The X-Tras special guest Pugs Moran and a lot more!
If you could go anywhere in time where would it be? Sam & Steph share some recent dating tragedies. Homeless couple in Memphis gets caught living in the attic of a Walmart. Science says guys who consume energy drinks tend to be douches, more music from Queens Troubadour!
Ep90 - Sorry guys Samantha thinks her 'trampage' might finally be over, Betty shares a disturbing story, relationship deal-breakers new music from 'The Hudares' and more!
Is there porn on Twitter?! Walgreen's sells Gun Oil but unlike Walmart it's in the right section.'Pricasso' paints with his penis. High School gym class, Betty had her baby and a lot more!