
The Prussman Hour – 04/20/19

Stacey Begins to show talking about Easter and Passover.  Angela calls in  show where they talk about Angelas half marathon, Stacey’s trip to Arkansas  and the crazy bar she went to in Brooklyn.  The girls answered questions that are currently trending on twitter such as #thingsihaventoutgrown and #mypasthastaughtme.  The  ladies […]

Dishing Missfits – 04/26/16

Sam and the wheelchair emoji, Our tribute to Prince, Which porn site has banned users from North Carolina? British slang, Why Ed needs an intelligent woman, New music from Blank Parody and a lot more!

Dishing Bitches – 06/02/15

Ep70 - "Samantha's Stupid Thing" Mercury Retrograde In Gemini (what the hell does that mean?) A special Taste of Chicago announcement, Project Cliteracy, new music from Supercolliders and a lot more!

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