A few of us Dishing Missfits are taking The Single Girl’s 30 Day Challenge, and I’ve decided to blog my adventures during the next 30 days.
I’m combining Days 2 and 3, as they seem to go hand in hand-both are lists. I love making lists! Grocery, to-do, topics to write about, books to read, music to listen to, needs, wants, goals… you name it, I’ve made a list for it.
The lists that I had to make for this challenge were actually kind of tough and made me revisit those relationships that didn’t work out and the reasons why they didn’t work out. During making these lists I even questioned myself because after reading what I had written, I thought I sounded too picky. I shared my lists with a girlfriend and she posed a few good questions to me, one of them being, “Are you willing to date someone that lacks some the things on your list?” Her reasoning behind the question was that perfect packages don’t exist and that there might be a man out there with almost everything on the list, but not everything. I agreed with her and said that life is all about compromise and of course I’d be happy to compromise, but I definitely would not settle.
At my age, men and women should pretty much have their shit together. I have my shit together, and I’m looking for a man that can say the same. I’ve already struggled through several situations during my 20’s and 30’s while married with children. I don’t think I have the tolerance to struggle through some of those issues a second time. As you read through my lists, keep that thought in mind.
Day 2: Write down everything you want in a future partner.
- (Available. Divorced. Not hung up on an ex. Not serial dating)
- Heterosexual (It’s good to be specific in today’s society of varied sexual identities)
- Humorous (I’m funny and need a man that is funny too)
- Intelligent (Hard to believe, but my IQ is over 140 and my interest will not be held by average intelligence. I’ve tried. It’s not easy being a smart girl.)
- Good work ethic (Be able to hold a steady job and be reliable at it)
- Good parent (If he has kids, he should be present in their lives and supportive of them.)
- Handy (Yes, that sounds sexist, but I want a man that can fix stuff. I’m an independent woman that owns her own tool box and can actually fix stuff with those tools, but there’s something about a handy guy that turns me on. Think about it. Men want women to cook and clean, so what’s wrong with a woman wanting a guy that can unplug a drain, hang a picture or do a little electrical work? Even Alex Lifeson has some plumbing expertise to fall back on if he ever gets sick of the limelight.)
- Domestic (can cook and clean and take care of the household if need be)
- Financially responsible (no bankruptcies, no high debt, has a retirement plan, etc.)
- Well-groomed (please don’t have a beard that smells like balls)
- Extrovert/Social
- Emotionally mature and available (don’t hit me with the “I don’t do emotion” after dating for a few months)
- Sexual/Sexually adventurous (sex is important to me, and I expect it often)
- Thoughtful/Honest/Adoring
- Must LOVE music.
- Strong (strength comes in many forms, but I’m talking physical here. I want my man to be able to lift the things I can’t)
- Big hands (Donald Trump is right about little hands…enough said)
Day 3: Write down everything you don’t want in a future partner
- Addictions (None. Of any kind. Nada.)
- Unemployed
- Financially irresponsible
- Mommy Issues
- Psychiatric issues
- Egocentric/Narcissist/Selfish
- Emotionally Immature
- Illiterate
- Aggressive driver/road rage
- Poor hygiene
- Smoker
- Cheater
- Deadbeat Dad
My lists.
I’m willing to compromise, and I hope the man of my dreams is too.
If you are a single girl and you don’t have your lists made, I’d like to suggest that you sit down and take a few minutes to do so. Knowing what you want and what you don’t want and actually seeing it in black and white will save you from wasting your precious time on guys that don’t meet your standards.
– DAY 1 –
It’s the first day of The Single Girl’s 30 Day Challenge for the Dishing Missfits! Stephanie and I are changing things up and stepping outside of our “single girl” comfort zone.
Each day during the 30 day challenge we have a different task to complete, and today’s task is:
Follow a hot friend of a friend on Instagram.
That sounds easy, right? Wrong.
I totally over-analyze everything and what started out as a fun task had me frazzled.
If the goal is to be stepping up my single girl game, then I should be finding a hot SINGLE friend of a friend, right? I found a hot guy immediately… after all Instagram is hot guy headquarters, and then I started to overthink it. Is he gay? Is he married? Is he real? If I’m only supposed to follow one hot guy, what if I follow a guy that is
After trying to play detective on each hot guy I wanted to follow, I discovered a solution! I decided to follow several hot friends of friends on Instagram and now I actually have some following me back! Hopefully at least one of them is single and available!
Shout out to the following Instagram friends and their hot friends I now follow:
Friend: @RIOT_FEST Hottie: @chewymcdermott888
Friend: @thehawk720 Hottie: @bigjeff342003
Friend: @roxanne.rjs Hottie: @sfaramelli
Friend: @lossanofriends Hottie: @teddybrunson
Friend: @lossanofriends Hottie: @jeffsmashmurray
Friend: @catsy69 Hottie: @cfisher12343
Friend: @lossanofriends Hottie: @jacobmoore
If you have a hot friend you think I should follow, or you’d like to follow me, find me on Instagram @spagirl22