In this “For the People” episode, Nick talks with The Consumerman Herb Weisbaum from, about consumer stories including, the new laws targeting the sale of stolen items online, how health tracking apps are invading privacy, and how scammers are sending spam & email via text. Plus, a discussion about bad knockoffs like the “RobertCop” action figure. Then, Car Guy Tom Appel from Consumer Guide Automotive, joins Nick with the latest on the UAW strike and how long it may last, a review of the new Infinity G80, stories about Suzuki, the discontinuation of the KIA Rio & the Mitsubishi Mirage, and a look back at a hilarious 1957 ad for the Morris Minor. Plus, the car from “Better Call Saul” is discussed, and there might be a little Leganza on Leganza action happening. And, of course, Nick’s Dad Tells a Joke. [Ep182]