Nick talks with Matt Carr from The Music Box Theatre in Chicago, about his movie-dominated childhood, his love of John Carpenter’s “The Thing,” and the upcoming screenings of the Vincent Price classic “House on Haunted Hill,” which will be presented in terrifying “EMERGO!” The movie will reach beyond the screen, and into the audience’s laps and faces, as horrifying ghosts and monsters haunt the Music Box auditorium! They also discuss the great William Castle, filmmaker/carnival barker and entertainer, who came up with incredibly entertaining gimmicks to keep movie audiences enthralled. Then Esmeralda Leon and Nick answer a Magic Megaphone Message about the movie “Top Gun,” which leads to a mention of the satire “Hot Shots,” which leads to a hilarious discussion of terrible parody movies like “Re-Possessed,” “Meet The Spartans,” “Vampires Suck,” and many, many more. [EP146]