Scorpio October 23- November 21 You have never been one to let others’ opinions hold you back, so why do so now? When you blow out your birthday candles this month, wish big and leave all those haters in the dust as you meet every one of your goals. Aim big!
Sagittarius November 22 – December 21 Now Sagittarius, you have not been following my advice and taking it easy, have you? Well the other shoe is about to drop when it comes to important relationships. Things will get bad this month but try your best to mend broken relationships before the holidays begin, even if you feel you are in the right.
Capricorn December 22- January 20 You constantly ask for the advice of others and yet you choose to never follow it. This month is all about communication for you but make sure you are not kidding yourself by what you are saying. And as for advice? If you ask for it, take it! It will come in useful.
Aquarius January 21- February 19 You want to better yourself this month, which I got to say, is super sexy. Believe me when I say others will think so too. Do something you have wanted to do for a while, whether it is taking a certain class or going on a trip and then reap in the intellectual rewards.
Pisces February 20-March 20 All these retrogrades are finally moving out of your system so what better time than now to move forward. Anything that has been bothering you or has been in the back of your mind no longer has to wait. Want changes? Make them. Boom, it’s that easy.
Aries March 21- April 20 You are feeling overwhelmed this month and guess what my dear Aries? It is okay. Remember to say that to yourself this month as you feel your world around you is crumbling apart. Be honest with those around you as to how you are feeling and remember everything will work itself out. It is okay.
Taurus April 21- May 21 With the holidays approaching this season there is one thing you can count on: delicious food. Unfortunately, not for you. Your health needs to take a front seat in your life if you want to feel good. Put your body first and you will feel super sexy once the new year comes.
Gemini May 22- June 21 You are usually always up for a social gathering. This month, however, might be a good time to spend some quality time with you and you alone. Do something just for you this month, whether it is a mini makeover, a shopping spree or simply Netflixing and chilling…with yourself.
Cancer June 22 – July 22 Baby its getting cold outside and hot in your romantic life this month. Take time to enjoy your relationship. Single? Probably not for long…
Leo July 23- August 23 Your emotions are all over the place, making you a fiesta lion for sure. You will have major highs one moment and then dip low. My advice is to focus on the positives in your life to keep yourself out of a major funk right now.
Virgo August 24- September 22 My dear Virgo, sometimes you feel like you are going to explode, don’t you? You keep too many things bottled up until you reach a breaking point. You don’t have to do this. This month, try voicing your opinions the moment something arises. Those around you will appreciate your openness as well as your maturity to be so forthright.
Libra September 23- October 22 Be thankful this month that the procrastination cloud that has been hanging over your head has finally cleared up. You are filled with motivation so jump on it and make sure you take others with you.