
Fake News Fairy Tale page posts

Fake News Fairytale – The Day Without A Government

Pandemonium engulfs a fair off, magical kingdom when a fight between the king’s advisers leaders to the kingdom being shut down until the conflict can be resolved.

Villager: Kevin Conrad
Villager: Dan Levy
Town Crier: Justin Kosek
Narrator: Brian Rhodes

Written by: Keith Conrad

Fake News Fairytale – Don’t Shine It On The Mountain

The people of a far off kingdom are sent into a panic when one of their trusted public servants accidentally sends out a warning that they are about to be under attack.

Peasant: Dave Stripling
Peasant: George Hoffmann
Guard: Quin McCarthy
Guard: Justin Kosek
Narrator: Jen DeSalvo

Written by: Keith Conrad

Fake News Fairytale – The King & The Town Crier

A far off magical kingdom is at a crossroads, when a former town crier gives a speech and all of the people think she should be the new leader.

Villager: Marcus Brown
Villager: Manny Munoz
King: Justin Kosek
Former Town Crier: Liz Biddle

Written by: Keith Conrad

Fake News Fairytale – The Unidentified Flying Taxpayer Expense

Two Naval Aviators and two Senators desperately try to make sense of the world around them after a jet fighter is chased by a giant flying Tic-Tac. They will try and solve the question of whether or not we are alone in the universe. All four head into an uncharted […]

Fake News Fairytale – Ken Burns The War On Christmas

Have you noticed this year that haven’t been any War on Christmas stories dominating the news as we head into the holidays?If you’re on the right, you probably attribute the lack of War on Christmas stories to President Trump declaring that we’re all allowed to say Christmas again. If you’re […]

Fake News Fairytale – James And The Giant Student Loan

A mysterious stranger arrives in a small town with a way to change everyone’s lives. But there are unforeseen problems that could threaten everyone’s future.

Villager: Justin Kosek
Villager: Jake Cook
Mysterious Stranger: Art Mehring
Narrator: Jen DeSalvo

Written by: Keith Conrad

Fake News Fairytale – Boris Gets Banned From The Reindeer Games

The North Pole is in an uproar after one of the reindeer tests positive for performance-enhancing reindeer treats and is banned from participating in the Reindeer Games.

Santa: Quin McCarthy
Elf: Rob Hart
Elf: Elliott Serrano

Narrator: Jen DeSalvo

Fake News Fairytale – The Little ICBM That Could

Citizens are sent into a panic when a nearby kingdom begins construction of a new catapult that can reign fiery destruction on them, and their King seems to respond by picking a fight with them.

Sorcerer: Justin Kosek
Villager: Eric Gedders
Villager: George Bliss
Narrator: Jen DeSalvo

Written by: Keith Conrad

Fake News Fairytale – Great Day For Uploading

There is unrest in a far away kingdom when the royal courier introduces the concept of tiered pricing. The people demand that the King step in to end this cruel injustice.

Villager: Darren Marlar
Villager: Justin Kosek
Narrator: Dan Levy

Written by: Keith Conrad

Fake News Fairytale – Oh, The People You’ll Indict!

The leader of a kingdom far away finds himself in trouble, but the townspeople cannot get any information because the town criers are too busy competing with each other.

Villager: Dan Wolfe
Villager: Marcus Brown
Mainstream Town Crier: Justin Kosek
Alternative Town Crier: Quin McCarthy
Narrator: Jen DeSalvo

Written by: Keith Conrad

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