
The Prussman Hour blog posts

The Prussman Hour – Chad Zumock

Who’s Chad Zumock? After Stacey’s brief Twitter war with Chad. Stacey goes one on one with @chadZumock. We learn all about Cleveland’s 2011 eligible bachelor history, his intense loyalties, his enemies, what happened at The Roast of Kevin Brennan and more! #twitterwars #kevinbrennan #cleveland

The Prussman Hour – Tow Truck Adventures

Stacey And Angela on the eve of Stacey birthday talk about her weekend and the her tow truck adventure, #dead actors and athletes, #fangedmousedeer, disdain for people that call themselves #influencers, The peeping Jerkoff, country club wine #hermesbag incident. #happybirthdaystacey

The Prussman Hour – Our Side Of The Story

Stacey and Angela discuss the #kevinbrennanroast, and they discuss at length the incident post roast night at #TheStand comedy club. Stacey and Angela initially wanting to ignore it, but some #fakenews came out and they thought it was only right that they tell their side of the story. So here […]

The Prussman Hour – 09/04/19

Post Labor Day Show discuss Stacey and Angela are back with their new equipment! The discuss  Angela’s hives, #hannibalBuress old open mic comedy tape Stacey found and the story behind it . #forever21 stealing #arianagrande likeness. #popeyeschicken, the difference between an accent and a dialect and more

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